12 Eylül 2022 Pazartesi

How to Backup Windows 10/11 Driver?

Method 1: Backing Up Drivers via Command Line Process

With the DSIM command, in Windows 8 and higher operating systems, you can take backups of all drivers used on the device to a folder you will create on your computer.

You can start the driver backup process by typing "cmd" in the "Run" window and executing the DISM command when Enter is pressed.

dism /online /export-driver /destination:”D:\Drivers Backup”

With this command; drivers are backed up to the previously created Drivers Backup folder on disk D.

Method 2: Backing up drivers in Powershell

When powershell is written in the "Type here for search" section at the bottom left of the screen, select Powershell and select Run as administrator with the right mouse button.

In the Powershell screen,

Export-WindowsDriver -Online -Destination "D:\Drivers Backup"

When the command is run, the computer will back up all the drivers to the Driver Backup folder on the D disk.

Scanning for Empty IP Addresses

Batch Pinging, Finding Empty ip Addresses, Batch Pinging ip Block:

We can say that a simple command directory has been prepared to find out which addresses are empty in an ip block, it is very useful and can be used in many areas.

First of all, let's learn our command:

 for /L %i in (1,1,254) do ping -n 2 -w 250 192.168.1.%i>> C:\ip.txt